Monday, June 24, 2013

Table Stars for Terrific Transitions

My students are sprawled in every corner of the room, some working with partners on their continent research. Others are using art supplies to decorate their continent posters, while four more are at a table near the sink making paper-mache maps. It’s time to transition to math, so I give a two-minute warning. However, when my students start to clean up, it seems like it will take the entire math period. I need to motivate them to speed up this transition, while still being neat and organized.


Table stars reward groups for efficient transitions. My students know that I am on the lookout during transitions for teamwork, organization, and promptness. Table groups that impress me during a transition earn a star on the chart. The first table to receive 25 stars gets to eat lunch in the classroom with me and another teacher of their choosing. My colleagues are usually flattered at being chosen as the “celebrity guest,” and they are gracious about joining us during lunch. Now, during transitions I simply stand to the side while my students quietly take care of business.