Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Song: Watershed Address

(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

When it rains, the water flows to the sea. 
When it rains, the water flows to the sea.
When it rains, the water fl ows;
Into creeks and streams it goes.
When it rains, the water fl ows to the sea.

Can you name the land that drains to the sea?
Can you name the land that drains to the sea?
Can you name the land that drains
From the mountain to the plains?
Can you name the land that drains to the sea?

Plants and animals and people call it home.
Plants and animals and people call it home.
Plants and animals and people,
All the birds, even the seagull,
Plants and animals and people call it home.

The answer is your watershed address.
The answer is your watershed address.
The answer to this quiz,
Everyone knows what it is.
The answer is your watershed address.
The Guadalupe watershed is your address.