Sunday, January 18, 2015

Top 20 ADD/ADHD Accommodations that Work!


  1. Written and posted daily schedules and assignments.
  2. At least one day notice (when possible) for schedule changes.
  3. Consistent schedules (as much as possible)
  4. Allowing time for movement during classroom "seat" time (all students benefit from this!)
  5. Supplement verbal directions with visual instructions (task cards, demonstration, etc.)
  6. Chunk assignments or test questions with breaks and positive feedback in between.
  7. Develop private signal or cue to the student (imagine if the principal called a teacher out when not giving 100% at a staff meeting.)
  8. Examine expectations and compare data with same age peers.  Sometimes our expectations for students with ADHD behaviors begin to exceed our expectations for other students.
  9. Provide opportunities for hands-on learning.
  10. Allow the student to stand while working or listening.
  11. Use a yoga balance disc (wiggle seat) on the student's chair.
  12. Use transition activities, songs, bell, timer etc., so students can clearly identify a change in activity.
  13. Provide cue (1-2 minute notifications) before an activity is about to end or begin.
  14. Color is very effective in getting attention. Make use of colored dry-erase pens on white boards, colored overhead pens for transparencies and overhead projectors, or colored paper to highlight key words, phrases, steps to computation problems, spelling patterns, etc.
  15. Be aware of competing sounds in your room environment (such as noisy heaters or air conditioning unit)
  16. Alter the way students are called on to avoid calling on students one at a time.  Instead, have students respond by "telling their partner," writing down or drawing their response, or other alternative way.
  17. Be careful when always seating the student by the teacher.  This may actually increase student anxiety, thus increasing inappropriate behavior.
  18. Read aloud test questions.  Although the student may have average or above average reading ability, have to questions read aloud helps maintain focus.
  19. Provide outlines of the lecture and discussion.  Student discusses and share with other students (thus reading, discussing and learning by doing!)
  20. Allow headphones to dtown out distractions.