Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hand Signals for Group Time


The letter I represents, "I have a question."

The letter A represents "answer."

The letter C represents "comment."

There are two benefits to this. The obvious is that I know what they are going to contribute and can call on someone with an answer vs a comment if I am looking for an answer. It also lets me know who has a legit question as opposed to who wants to tell me something that may or may not relate to the topic.

The other benefit is that it allows the students to identify what they want to say. It makes them aware and really cuts down on distraction and commentary that can set us off task. They don't just shoot their hand up. I've also found that it eliminates the raised hand followed by, "uuhhhh...I forget."

You know how a student will say something and 15 other hands shoot up because they make a connection? The "me too" sign allows those 15 youngsters to let you and everyone in the room know that they also did whatever the speaker did or that they also like whatever the speaker likes. It's a great way to keep everyone on task, yet it lets them "be heard."